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Use it when your time is limited!
You can quickly search for one or more complete words in a variety of fields and tabs.
Find it at the top of any data tab.
Simply type in a complete word or words that you would like to search for and choose the tab that you want to search IN.
Great because once you search in a tab you can view these results in other tabs, too.
Not-so-great because it doesn't like to search for partial words or numbers.
With QF you can:
Type in two complete words to find records that have both words in them somewhere.
Use a pipe '|' between words to find records that have either word in them. (eg. COSTCO | ROBINSON would yield results with both names in them).
Use WILDCARDS (see below) but it will slow things down.
Search within (and only within) the following fields: ADDRESS, OWNER, GENERAL_CONTRACTOR, ELECTRICAL_CONTRACTOR, DESCRIP.
QF searches cannot be saved. If you want to save a search, move on to "ADVANCED SEARCH".
Not finding what you’re looking for? Try refreshing your browser!
Ctrl + F5 can often be used to force a page reload.
Use it when CDR has provided a MAP to guide you.
You can view your MAP to discover customized searches on each tab.
Find it within, and at the top of, the ADVANCED SEARCH form.
Great because the customized searches have been done by CDR for YOU.
Not-so-great because you can not add additional ADVANCED SEARCH filters to your MAPs though you can add a QUICK FIND search, which is great.
With MAPs you can:
Select the MAP from the drop down menu that you wish to explore.
Simply click each tab to explore your customized MAPs.
Add an additional QUICK FIND search to your MAPs, further customizing your MAPs.
Use it when you have a little more time to delve into the search.
You can apply multiple filters, save searches, sort, set ALERTS and search in PSI categories.
Find it at the top of any data tab, just to the right of QUICK FIND.
Great because you can save this search to return to later or even set an ALERT so you'll receive an email notification.
Not-so-great because it necessarily takes a little more time.
With AS you can:
Sort and filter for text within a specific tab.
FILTER, SORT or do a little of both within any search.
Look within a specific PSI category (see below).
FILTER helps you to:
Finds specific values.
Choose the field from the drop down menu to filter by.
Add as many filters as there are fields in the data.
Enter the text you want to filter for (eg. Filter for all electrical contractors that have the word 'elect' in them) OR choose a value from a drop down menu, when available.
NOTE: If the list is shown in a single-line drop-down, you can select one value. If the list is shown in a multi-line drop-down, you can select multiple values using Ctrl + Click for a range of values.
SORT helps you to:
Order the data by specific fields in priority order (eg. "Sort" by Electrical Contractor to quickly find a specific EC).
Choose ascending or descending.
Sort by multiple fields simultaneously.
You may choose to:
Click CLEAR to reset the search form to start over.
SAVE your search using a meaningful name.
Make NOTES to help guide you upon return.
Check the box if you would like to receive or designate an ALERT (by email) when there are new results or if results change (see below for more information).
ALERTS will keep you updated
You can:
Click the check-box that says "ALERT me when results change," OR
Click the check-box next to colleagues names/emails. (If you do not see the option to notify others, contact your supervisor or Steve.)
After you click save, you (and any designees) will receive email notifications introducing the saved search and the associated ALERT and whenever there are new or changed results for that search.
Saved or Shared Searches
Choose your search name from the drop down arrow/menu at the bottom of the AS form.
You can click 'SAVE AS' to make a copy of an existing search and save changes under a different name.
For searches you created, you can also click 'SAVE' to make changes and save under the same name.
DELETE will permanently delete the search.
ALERTS will keep you updated
Use right/left arrows to move search box...out of your way.
Text fields are not case-sensitive.
In "Current N/U Jobs" and "All Jobs Report", you can specify the PSI (Potential Share Improvement) category that you are interested in viewing.
This is fun and totally worth it!
Be sure to check your Market Share Report to determine which PSI categories are pertinent to your area.
Remember: Higher PSI = Higher potential for growth.
^ means start or end with this exact text (^ELEC will look for text that starts with ELEC).
% means there could be other text in place of it (EC%ELEC will look for text that has EC and ELEC in it with anything else in between).
^EC%ELEC will find 'ECCENTRIC ELECTRICAL' (begins with EC and includes the letters 'ELEC') but not 'NONECCENTRIC ELECTRICAL.' In other words, ^EC%ELEC searches for fields that starts with EC and INCLUDES the letters 'ELEC.'
Start broad, then narrow. If you start with less text and get too much data, just keep getting more specific until you find what you need.
For example, if you filtered for 'BERG' and got too many records, you could type 'BERG%ELEC'. This would give you fewer results.
Widen your search. If your search is too narrow, you may not get the information you need. ('A%C%ELEC' will give you more results than 'AC ELECTRIC').
Other things to try:
% between initials.
% inserted into a possible acronym.
Remember: the raw data in the Data Portal contains differing versions of the same contractor's names as they have not yet been edited. Widen your filter even further in this tab to find what you need.
Helpful hint: Wildcards work best in Advanced Search.